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Acquisition System
Resolution: 41 guaranteed AWG, 42 typical AWG
Penetration (steel): 36 guaranteed milimeter, 38 typical milimeter
Doble array to "L"
Generator RX
Generator RX ad High Frequency (30kHz, 500W)
Voltage anode: 150kV
Unity of ispection
Dimensions: 2000 mm (L) x 867 mm (W) x 1284 mm (H)
Weight: 550kg
Dimensions max bagagge: 622 mm (W) x 420 mm (H)
Height belt: 692 mm (adjustable)
Speed belt: 0.2 m/sec
Cargo max belt: 165kg
Power supply: 230 VAC o 110 VAC +/- 10%; 50/60Hz +/- 3 Hz monophase
Duty cycle: 100%
Unity of control
ignition key
buttons move belt
buttons of processing
buttons of program
buttons emergecy
Monitor: 19” LCD (1280x1024 pixels)
Radioprotection and security
The system satisfies the relative international norms applicable to radioprotection and security of the operator and the public.
Dose scape to 10cm: <1.0µSv / h (0.1mR/h)
Film safe
Requirement environmental
Operating temperature: 0°C - +40°C
Stoccaggio temperature: -20°C - +60°C
Relative humidity: 95% without condense
Protection class: IP 22
Functionality of base
Alarm objects to high density (adjustable threshold)
Files of images
Files session of images
Tecnhology multienergy
Variable penetration
"High penetration": permit of optimize the contrast of the more denser areas of the image with a direct key.
"Low penetration": permit of optimize the contrast of the less denser areas of the image with a direct key.
Optimization of contrast (allows to select the optimal contrast executing the Hystogram Equalization)
Exaltation of edges (allows to exalt the edges and the threads in the image in analysis)
Pseudo color (such function carries out the digital coloration of the image weighed on several levels of gray to the aim to exalt the contrast between zones to similar absorption
Energy stripping (single family of materials or one allows to visualize one combination of families of materials on the monitor to colors)
Window of contrast (allows of expand the levels of gray inside of a window whose position can have varied along the scale of the same grays)
Negative of the image
Zoom continuous until 64x
Callback image
Callback session of image
Info (allows to the visualization of one page of information machine, usefullness and diagnostic to level of use)
UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
AFSCAN (software for acquisition exploded developed to you with reference to the European norms E.D.S)
TIP (Threat Image Projection) system training of the operator
Net-server (remote station of supervision)
AIMS (Archiving and Image Management System) system for store and management images
Reverse (acquisition in both senses of sliding of the belt)
Smart-card login (system of access control to use it of the system by means of smart-card)
Diagnostic remote
Print screen
Test STP
Operator Mat
21" LCD/CRT monitors (1280 x 1024 pixels)
Configuration to high flow
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